Adderall Cancer Abdominal Pain And Other Symptoms?

Abdominal pain and other symptoms? - adderall cancer

I can not say exactly how long I noticed these symptoms, but lately I had some abdominal discomfort and sometimes I feel a stomach ache. I've also noticed that I think I should go to the bathroom, and when I clean, I sometimes see a little blood (very little, but it's there), I was not sure if it was because I wiped was too hard or something else. I also find it difficult to pass gas sometimes, because I have a very strong pressure. Now take note to remove some explainations plausible alternative, which I had a stressful week week. In addition, I take Adderall ADHD, I smoke (I know I'm stupid), and I take Excedrin prevent migraine headaches (I take this day). These are all exciting, and I was not sure if it would solve my problems. I just wanted to know if anyone an idea, because I am a little scared to go to the doctor, I'm only 21 and I know I do not want any kind of cancer ... Ideas?


artemisa... said...

You need to take these issues with your doctor. However, I ask one thing. The daily intake of Excedrin sinus treatment is not recommended for the treatment of migraine. I will examine whether this could be the cause of the deterioration of the lining of the stomach.

It seems as if you can cause serious liver damage and probably taking the medication beyond the recommended 7 days. I suggest you call to take Excedrin and your doctor immediately.

By the way, you should discuss with your doctor if your headaches coincide with the use of Adderall, the drug or if a triggering factor. Twenty-six percent of adults enrolled in clinical studies of Adderall XR reported headaches as a side effect.

Lucy said...

You may have IBS .... but you know what kind of problems should really be diagnosed by a doctor. I doubt that you have cancer, but it really should be checked before it is even worse.

Suzie Homemaker said...

This could be the Excedrin is upset stomach and will also be blood in the stool.

fatbabyc... said...

You may have bowel syndrome irrational. You can also use an intestinal virus or colitis. My suggestion is to seek professional help and tell the doctor the exact symptoms. Do not be embarrassed.
Blood in the stool or urine is certainly not a good sign. Sometimes it is cancer. Going to the doctor of internal medicine as soon as possible.
Another suggestion is to take a stool softener or laxative. Sometimes, it can be affected by faecal matter and do not know.
Honeychild seek professional help ...
And I will, I prefer to say, knowing she had cancer at an early stage and will be processed and the reference to catches in the final and could not do anything ...

nickynic... said...

Forget the fear of the doctor and make an appointment as soon as possible, it could be something very simple, but not go to the doctors, is concerned about the unknown. At least have the peace of mind when you go and learn what is the problem. If you stop and do nothing, even going to worry about. Please be reasonable and make an appointment. If you do not want the doctors to find out where your "women and the clinic," that is, if you have in your area!
Good luck, my dear. Do not try to worry and to doctors.

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